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The Only Way Out is In

When we wander into a labyrinth a curious phenomenon occurs, a few corners in we realize that in the next turn, we’ll be totally lost. The point of no return: when many adverse situations pressure us, there is a point in our life, where in order to live we need to act. The place and moment where we’ll be forced to face ourselves.


In that moment a decision needs to be made: to go in or to stay back. Actions dictate our destiny and inside our projections of destiny lies our fear. With a society in crisis that realizes the only enemy is ourselves - when we don’t know where we are or where we are heading to - The only way out is in.


This is the first consolidated album, 14 tracks that make up this collaborative project called “The Only Way Out is in” by Suricata. This album explores the constant tensions between desire and fear in our projections of the future, or as some may say, our identity. 

the search for a collective and personal identity through dance. Similarly to what happens inside a Dancefloor when we, without being conscious, affect each other through our bodies and their movement.

A constant negotiation and constant playwork while habitating and sharing the same space in the same moment. A fireplace of plasticity where everything happens because something happened before. Blessed be the dancefloors and all our dancer colleagues that helped us change and rejoice on ourselves and others.

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